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Crystal Benefits & Properties


Amethyst is a natural tranquilliser. 

It relieves stress, irritability and balances mood swings.

It dissolves grief and negativity.

Promotes connection to the spiritual world and divine beings.


Stimulates mental and spiritual clarity.

Calms the mind by clearing stress and tension from the head.

Balances and soothes emotions and relieves depression.

Stimulates creativity and supports taking control of one’s own life.


Heals emotional trauma, relieves stress.

Reduces anxiety and insomnia.

Cools tempers and conflict.

Instills a sense of peace.

Black Obsidian

Aids decision making, emotional healing and cleansing.

Purges negative emotions and energies.

Grounds and stabilises, providing a safe space for soul searching.

Encourages communication with spirit guides.

Black Onyx

Instills calm, beneficial in healing grief and anxiety.

Helps us feel centred and grounded and make wise decisions.

Helps remove fear from within, boosts confidence.

Highly protective talisman in warding off negative energies.

Blue Lace Agate

Soothing and nurturing, brings calmness and peace of mind.

An excellent emotional healing stone, brings tranquility as it alleviates anger and tension.

Boosts one’s ability to communicate, encouraging one to speak one’s truth.

Encourages clarity and confidence.

Botswana Agate

Comforting and protective, soothing to those who are lonely.

It’s energy helps centre one during meditation.

It supports love and the strength to look for solutions.

It brings one a sense of security as well as energy and power.

Clear Quartz

Known as the Master Healer.

Absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy.

Enhances psychic abilities.

Aids concentration and unlocks memory.

Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.

Crackle Quartz

A powerful amulet for counteracting negative and evil energy.

Helps one regain positive emotions and energy.

Brings clarity and positivity to thoughts.

A useful gemstone to get you through busy, stressful times.


Attracts wealth, abundance and success.

Raises self esteem and confidence.

Imparts enthusiasm.

Stimulates the brain.

Green Moss Agate

Encourages a sense of tranquility and emotional balance.

Helpful to those experiencing strong, overwhelming emotions and aggression.

Increases compassion and a strong sense of justice.

Enhances mental and emotional flexibility, improves decision making and helps resolve disputes.

Grey Quartz

Like it’s sister, clear quartz, it is known as the master healer.

Excellent for unblocking energy and treating any condition.

The perfect Gemstone for meditation, bringing clarity to the wearer.

Enhances communication with your higher self and spirit guides.

Lapis Lazuli

Believed to bring good luck and wealth to its wearer.

Turns negative energies and thoughts into positive, constructive ones.

Boosts the immune system, purifies blood, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation.

Alleviates insomnia and overcomes depression.


Known as The Goddess Stone.

Awakens feminine energies, relieves menstrual problems.

It helps calm and balance emotions.

Promotes unity and peace with people around.

Channels hope, sensitivity and abundance.

Opal Quartz

Little wheels of pure, subtle energy enabling access to the Angelic realms.

Radiates joy, hope and optimism.

Balances and purifies one’s Chakras.

Cleanses and strengthens the Aura restoring balance and grounding.

Peruvian Opal

Reduces stress and helps one approach the future with a sense of peace.

Considered a powerful healing stone which helps reduce insomnia.

A stone of spiritual awakening which also imbues calming, tranquil vibrations.

Instills a sense of independence, useful for those who are too reliant on co-dependence.

Purple Opal

Treats and heals respiratory illnesses and lung damage.

Helps to control Asthma, allergies and eye conditions.

Useful to treat emotional side effects of chronic or serious illness.

Strengthens a persons will to live.

Rainbow Tourmaline

Promotes inspiration and happiness.

Reduces fear and builds self confidence.

Balances Yin-Yang energies, it is considered a bridge to the spiritual world.

Promotes compassion, tolerance and prosperity.

Also helps overcome dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination.

Rose Quartz

Purifies and opens the heart to promote love, self love.

Promotes deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

Calming and reassuring it helps to comfort in times of grief.

It dispels negativity and protects against pollution, replacing it with loving vibes.

It is said to help ease and prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Rutilated Quartz

Increases psychic abilities and spiritual growth.

Cleanses the Aura and and increases wisdom.

Releases fears and helps with depression.

Helps Angelic vibration and manifestations.

Smoky Quartz

Disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity.

It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.

Promotes positive thoughts and action.

Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams.

Snowflake Obsidian

A stone of purity, it brings balance to body mind and spirit.

Removes negativity from a space or person.

A good choice for past life work, heals harmful old karmic patterns and thoughts.

Promotes a sense of calm, centre’s one ready for a deep meditative state.


Instills good nature and happiness.

Encourages independence and originality.

Relieves stress.

Helpful to those who have difficulty saying ‘no’ to others.

Strawberry Quartz

Provides inner peace by enabling one to spiritually centre and focus on inner strength.

Blocks out negative energies from the physical world.

It has deep spiritual healing properties directly linked to friendship and love.

This gemstone is one of the most significant amulets you can add to your armoury.

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